My dad decided that my mom, my sisters, my nieces and myself should all load up and go to Branson for a girls weekend. What brought this on one might ask? Gina is pregnant, Laurie was starting a new job, and I'm hoping to embark on a new journey myself, in which I won't be seeing my family for a year or so. He just decided that we needed to go and spend time together before all these changes occur. So my dad tells my sisters and I to make the plans, my mother says she is no part of the plan making she is just going along with whatever we decide. Well if you know my family we aren't great at making plans ahead of time, but i talked to Laurie and Gina and we decided when we would leave, then Laurie started a search for a place to stay that was pretty much the extent of making plans. I mean it was a given that we would go to Silver Dollar City so what more did we need to do really? Well my brothers-in-law both said I want to go too, Gina talked Rick out of it but Evan went with us and was one of the girls for the weekend, well that's what i was calling him anyway. We had a fun time!
The Night (Early Morn) of Emery's Birth
5 years ago