Monday, September 29, 2008


I'm a big fan of TV and movies as you could probably tell, but it is all so unrealistic. I mean some shows depict these lives that most ordinary people will never have, I guess there are some that are lucky and get the "perfect" life but really come on why does Hollywood have to place these unrealistic expectations in our minds. As a child I remember watching movies and thinking I want my life to be just like that when I grow up. But in all reality that's never going to happen, yes as an adult I realize that, but why give children false hope that one day they will live a fairy tale life?


As of tomorrow at 5:00pm I will be unemployed. What the future may hold I have yet to know. Some ask what are your dreams, what have you always wanted to do? Honestly I can say I don't know there was never a time as a child when I said when I grow up I want to be a doctor, a pilot, a teacher, or a dog trainer (ok so I just made that last one up). What I do know is I want to find a job that I enjoy, so if anyone knows of a job that they think would fit me let me know, I'm open for suggestions

Saturday, September 6, 2008

You know you need a life when....

You know you need a life when....
1. You have nothing better to do on a Friday night besides go to a highschool football game.
2. You spend your entire saturday doing laundry.
3. You are at home alone in your pj's at 7:30 on a Saturday night.
4. You have watched 3 or more lifetime movies in one day.
5. You make plans for a Sunday afternoon nap on Saturday.
6. You can't make plans on certain nights of the week b/c it may cut into one of your TV shows.

So pretty much I'm saying this has been a very uneventful weekend. The highlight of my weekend was getting a haircut and starbucks this morning.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Pregnant People Everywhere

Has anyone noticed how many pregnant people there are right now? Maybe its just that time in most of the people around my age lives. I don't know but it seems every time I turn around I hear of someone else who is pregnant. Don't get me wrong I love kids, and its even better that they are someone else's and I get to send them home at the end of the day, but really with babies comes gifts I guess I should just brace myself and get ready to buy lots of pink and blue for the next few years.
This reminds me it was just a couple years ago that I believe I was saying the same thing about weddings. 2006 was the year for weddings, so I guess that 2009 will be the year for babies (or at least the start of the babies). So I'm getting out the pink and blue napkins and the baby shower games, lets let the fun begin!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Our church has a WFL (Wesleyan football league), so to sign up they placed an insert in the Sunday bulletin, well I read the insert and it said nothing about it being just for guys. So being the person that I am, I decided I would just fill out the little form during church and mark that I would be a captain. So I filled it out and passed it down the row to my guy friends, they all just kinda laughed and said ok we will turn this in for you Nikki. So not really thinking anything about it I left after church well later that week I went to a friends house, who is helping organize the whole thing, he said hey Nikki i got a call earlier this week from our young adult pastor and he was really freaking out. I said how come? he said, well he was going through the football sign ups and found yours, I just kinda laughed. But apparently he was really concerned when he called my friend he said, um I think we have a problem and I don't know what to do. He said whats the problem? He said well we had a girl sign up and we never really specified that it was just for guys, and I just really don't think we can have a girl play. So my friend said well who is it, the pastor said Nikki. My friend then laughed and said I'm almost positive that is a joke. Tomorrow is the first night and I thought it would be funny if I showed up dressed to play and went up to the pastor and said whose team am I on. But maybe I should refrain and just stick to watching. I bet next year they will make a point of putting on the insert that it is only for guys however. And just for the record I have never played any kind of football in my life.

Monday, September 1, 2008


You know what I love about the end of summer? The beginning of new seasons of my favorite TV shows. Tonight I watched my first season premier of the season, that being One Tree Hill. And I have to admit, TV is addiction, you know it would be one thing if it was only one show that I can't wait to watch every week but it doesn't end with just one. Sunday night is taken by Army Wives and Brothers & Sisters, Monday night is One Tree Hill, Thursday night is Grey's Anatomy. Actually I think I'm doing pretty good I have it down to only 4 shows, well at least for now anyway we shall see after the new ones start if I can keep it at 4. Ok well Lost will start again in early 2009 so then my number will be 5 but still not too bad, right?