Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Things kids say...

I'm around my nieces and other kids quite alot and some of the things they say just make me laugh....

Field trip to the Aquarium...
My 10year old niece to her friend: Hey we have to go find (insert boys name i forgot) and talk to him

Me: Why do you need to go talk to him?

My 10year old niece: B/c he is supposed to be hooking me up with his best friend and I need to talk to him to see if he has done it yet, b/c I have been crushing on his friend for a really long time.

Me: Oh really?

My 10year old niece: Yeah like since 2nd grade (she is in 5th)

Do 10 year olds know what hooking up even means? It was just funny

Babysitting this afternoon...
Me to a little 7 year old girl: what your new dogs name again?

little girl: Cabella

Me: Oh yeah thats right I knew that

little girl: Hw did you know that? Did you get on Facebook?

How do 7 year olds know what facebook is?

Yesterday at Gina's....
Me to Gina: What do you need at the store again?

Hillary: Paper towels, Milk, and poop on the deck

none of which were on the list of things to buy, im pretty sure she had a couple more items but after poop on the deck i stopped listening.

At my parents shop
Hillary to my mom: Um Grandma I have a problem...

My mom: Whats your problem?

Hillary: I don't have a chair, can you get up?

So just for the record the princess got her way my mom got up and Hillary got the chair.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I have been tagged... 7 random things

1. I am tongue tied and have a hole under my tongue that I can stick various things such as tooth picks and sucker sticks through.

2. I am from the stone age and still use dial-up internet.

3. I love airports and flying! (except the one in Trinidad)

4. I once ate 3 Banana Splits at DQ in one setting, when i was 9

5. I have never lived outside of Bartlesville.

6. I have 73 pressed pennies and 1 pressed quarter.

7. I have never gone out and found a job they have all come to me.

I don't have anyone else to tag, and this was difficult for me to come up with 7 things.