Who am I? Where am I going? What am I doing? Where have I been? Growing up this was a common phrase my dad used to say to me, when he would say it I would just roll my eyes and say shut up. Now as I am two months way from turning 26, I think about those four questions and the only one I can answer is where have I been.
Who am I? Sure I can say I'm Nikki Rush, I have a college degree blah blah blah. But that really doesn't answer who I am, sure those are things that I can use to describe myself but really Who am I, this is the 1st question I ask myself.
Where am I going? Where am I going, I have no clue, as of right now the answer would be nowhere, but I can't live life going nowhere. There has to be a purpose there has to be some place to go but where, that would be the 2nd thing to figure out.
What am I doing? Yet again, haven't a clue. I have no job, I didn't grow up with this longing to be a teacher, a doctor, a zoo keeper, or whatever else people may grow up wanting to be. Yes, I always wanted to get married and have kids, but at this point in my life that isn't an option. So what am I doing, I guess I'm looking for a job, but I don't just want a job. I want something that I enjoy something that is fulfilling, but I don't know what that is. So I guess this is the 3rd thing on the agenda.
Maybe I will figure out what I'm doing before I figure out where I'm going, who knows but the point is. I have to do something with my life, and I need to find the answer(s) as to what that is. I guess the quest is on, now where do I begin?
The Night (Early Morn) of Emery's Birth
5 years ago