Monday, August 25, 2008

Out of Shape!

So after watching the Olympics and seeing the toned bodies of the womens sand volleyball players or the track runners I have decided that im out of shape. Ok well i already knew that but I have become inspired to not be so fat and lazy. One might wonder what I have done to change this, well at this point not too much. I ate a salad for lunch yesterday, and not alot for dinner tonight. But i did go on a short bike ride tonight it was probably about a mile and a half, but hey its a start. Tomorrow I get to help Becca move into the dorms, walking up the stairs to the 4th floor will be a workout, so hopefully I will gradually get into some sort of routine. I just have to not be so lazy!


Anonymous said...

You better start now cause the laziness gets worse. Believe me, I know.

Dalene said...

I agree with gorfeert3333

I can't figure out why I didn't get in shape BEFORE I got married and had kids!

Mary Beth said...

How was the workout moving Rebecca?