Monday, February 8, 2010

Apparently I'm a Sailboat?!?!

Tonight was the Super Bowl, and oh what a great game it was... Ok so I didn't watch it hardly at all there were other things that had me side tracked such as being a sailboat. As with every year, at least as long as I can remember, I have either attended or had a Super Bowl party, well this year was no different. The Kaelber's had a Super Bowl reunion of sorts for our old small group that used to meet at their house on Sunday nights. Well the last time we all got together there were only a couple of children, but my how things changed quickly! Tonight there were 8 children ages 4 and under there, it was a definitely a good time. So with that said I'm sure you wondering what the whole sailboat thing is about. I was sitting in the floor playing with a couple of the babies, when along comes a couple of the other children. The oldest at the party sits on top of me and said Nikki you are a sailboat we are going sailing, she then goes on to say we need to get more friends on the boat. So before long I somehow had 7 children I believe sitting on top of me and apparently I was a sailboat, we went and visited some island and as children disappeared apparently that meant they jumped off the boat to go swimming. Oh how I love the imaginations of little kids, you never know what they are going to say or come up with it's just great!


little dalene said...

Do you know who won the superbowl?

Nikki said...

Yes, I know the Saints won. I think the score was like 30-17 or something close to that anyway or I could be completely wrong about the score. But yes I did watch a very little bit at the end.