Monday, January 18, 2010

Who am I? Where am I going? What am I doing?

Who am I? Where am I going? What am I doing? Where have I been? Growing up this was a common phrase my dad used to say to me, when he would say it I would just roll my eyes and say shut up. Now as I am two months way from turning 26, I think about those four questions and the only one I can answer is where have I been.

Who am I? Sure I can say I'm Nikki Rush, I have a college degree blah blah blah. But that really doesn't answer who I am, sure those are things that I can use to describe myself but really Who am I, this is the 1st question I ask myself.

Where am I going? Where am I going, I have no clue, as of right now the answer would be nowhere, but I can't live life going nowhere. There has to be a purpose there has to be some place to go but where, that would be the 2nd thing to figure out.

What am I doing? Yet again, haven't a clue. I have no job, I didn't grow up with this longing to be a teacher, a doctor, a zoo keeper, or whatever else people may grow up wanting to be. Yes, I always wanted to get married and have kids, but at this point in my life that isn't an option. So what am I doing, I guess I'm looking for a job, but I don't just want a job. I want something that I enjoy something that is fulfilling, but I don't know what that is. So I guess this is the 3rd thing on the agenda.

Maybe I will figure out what I'm doing before I figure out where I'm going, who knows but the point is. I have to do something with my life, and I need to find the answer(s) as to what that is. I guess the quest is on, now where do I begin?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Hiatus is Over

Wow! It's been a few months since I have posted a blog. And it's not really because I've had nothing to blog about, just not much time to write something. So where do I begin... For my moms birthday this year Gina and I decided we would buy some plane tickets to Dallas since Southwest was having that 72 hour sale, I mean we couldn't pass up one way tickets for $25 so we were determined to go somewhere. So we bought three round trip tickets to Dallas for the first part of Dec. initally we were just wanting to go somewhere, but after looking at the dates and where we were going we declared it was a Christmas shopping spree. So we packed as little as we could into our suitcases packing suitcases inside of suitcases, we left with 6 empty suitcases and 3 packed carry-ons. We came home with 6 packed to the weight limit suitcases and three bulging carry-ons, all in all I believe it was a successful trip. There were even a few things we were unable to bring back with us, luckily my Aunt and Uncle who we hosted us were coming up this way and were able to bring the stuff to us. Gina and I decided we should make this a tradition, however it should be longer than 4 days there was just too much shopping to do and not enough time to do it.

While we were there my Aunt Penny treated us to the Ice exhibit at the Gaylord Texan, which I would highly recommend to anyone in the Dallas area around Christmas. This year's theme was the Grinch, Gina and I had a little bit too much fun I think. I mean after all we aren't really kids anymore, but we acted like it. I have pictures to put on here but they will have to wait till another day.