Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Girls Trip to Branson

My dad decided that my mom, my sisters, my nieces and myself should all load up and go to Branson for a girls weekend. What brought this on one might ask? Gina is pregnant, Laurie was starting a new job, and I'm hoping to embark on a new journey myself, in which I won't be seeing my family for a year or so. He just decided that we needed to go and spend time together before all these changes occur. So my dad tells my sisters and I to make the plans, my mother says she is no part of the plan making she is just going along with whatever we decide. Well if you know my family we aren't great at making plans ahead of time, but i talked to Laurie and Gina and we decided when we would leave, then Laurie started a search for a place to stay that was pretty much the extent of making plans. I mean it was a given that we would go to Silver Dollar City so what more did we need to do really? Well my brothers-in-law both said I want to go too, Gina talked Rick out of it but Evan went with us and was one of the girls for the weekend, well that's what i was calling him anyway. We had a fun time!
This is all of us girls right after we entered the park

Hillary, Kathryn, Elizabeth

My mom, Gina, Laurie & Me Me and the Sisters

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Lake

Over the 4th of July weekend we decided to head out to the lake for some fun in the sun. Ok so the guys wanted to fish and the girls wanted to swim and get some sun. We decided we would meet at my house at 11:00 I believe and it was somewhere around noon before we actually left (my family never does anything on time) my dad had to give us all boating 101 like none of us had never been on a boat, but that's ok better safe than sorry right?
This is one of our group pictures of course my nieces had to be in them
Remember how i said the guys wanted to go fishing? well Jon and Matt weren't catching too much actually they didn't catch anything all day. Renana had to go show them how it was done, she caught this fish in about 5 mins. needless to say the guys were less than thrilled. This also ended up being the only catch of the day way to go Nana!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The new me

The New me can now be seen on Dalene's blog http://www.littledalene.blogspot.com/ they aren't the best pictures but i wasn't in the best of moods, something to do with sleep deprivation and the overwhelming changes that were happening to my hair and face just made me a grouch sorry about that girls!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Not doing so good!

Ok so it has only been a week and already I'm not able to keep up with a blog. Maybe the problem is I have nothing to write about? But alot happens in everyday life I should have something right? Tonight Dalene and I went and watched Get Smart, hilarious movie i would recommend it highly, maybe not to small children there are a few choice words but still hilarious. Maybe i will become more diligent about writing and post some more. As for those pictures i said i was going to post well Dalene hasn't sent me the afters yet but as soon as she does i will post them.

Friday, July 11, 2008

A new me???

Becca decided I need a make over, and for some reason i have agreed to let her do this. We shall see what the out come maybe I will be sure to post before and after pictures. That is unless i end up putting a paper sack over my head... Maybe i shouldn't have agreed to this?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Blogging seems like the thing to do

Well it seems as though blogging is the thing to do, so lets see if i have any luck with this. I start things like this and do really well with it for about 3weeks then i start to lose interest, lets see how long i can stick with it.