Sunday, November 16, 2008

I have been tagged... 7 random things

1. I am tongue tied and have a hole under my tongue that I can stick various things such as tooth picks and sucker sticks through.

2. I am from the stone age and still use dial-up internet.

3. I love airports and flying! (except the one in Trinidad)

4. I once ate 3 Banana Splits at DQ in one setting, when i was 9

5. I have never lived outside of Bartlesville.

6. I have 73 pressed pennies and 1 pressed quarter.

7. I have never gone out and found a job they have all come to me.

I don't have anyone else to tag, and this was difficult for me to come up with 7 things.


Dalene said...

Your mom must be a barrel of monkeys to let you eat that many banana splits!

Nikki said...

I was staying with Grandma ;) she spoiled me!

little dalene said...

You aren't from the stone age. Your dad is!

The Rigsby's said...

The hole in you tongue is gross.